Holiday Survival Guide

Ready or not, the holiday season is here. It’s time for friends, food, festivities — and the stress of family feuds and inedible dinners.

Whether you’re throwing the ultimate Thanksgiving feast, having a buffet for Christmas Dinner or are just trying to endure your spouse’s overcooked meal, here’s a couple of tips to help you survive the holidays.

Holiday Survival Guide

Frying Turkey Without Burning Your House Down

Thanksgiving day’s turkey is the most important part of the meal, it is the center piece for the table, and as this year’s holiday host, you want things to go off without a hitch. One thing we recommend? Take some safety measures to perfect your turkey-frying skills before you accidentally destroy your home. Even though your homeowners’ insurance might cover the damages, do you really want to be known as the guy or gal that burned the house down? Believe us, your loved ones will thank you for preparing in advance.

Here are some of the best tips we’ve gathered to help you perfect the art of frying your Thanksgiving turkey:

  • Do a dry run before the big day comes. All it’ll cost you is an extra turkey — and is more leftovers really a bad thing?
  • Read all the cooking instructions before you begin. Even if you’re the type that usually throws out the instruction manual, just trust us on this one.
  • Make sure the turkey is unthawed before deep-frying.
  • Deep-fry outdoors, away from your guests.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher with you at all times — just in case.

If you aren’t worried about your spouse’s cooking burning anything down, then just check that the lights you are using on your tree aren’t too old or causing a sparking problem. Lights on Christmas trees are connected to house fires throughout the US last year.

Holiday Gift Thefts

Thousands of homes experience thefts this time of year as packages arrive at doors with no one to pick them up. According to a study by InsuranceQuotes 25.9 million Americans had holiday packages stolen last year. That is a little less than 1 in 10! Some services let you schedule drop off or you can also leave special instructions for the delivery person to drop the package at the back door.

Holiday Survival Guide

Drinking and Not Driving

Ah, the holidays. The perfect time to sit back and relax with friends and family while enjoying a cold beer, some eggnog cocktails, some spiked punch, some champagne, some — wait, what were we saying?

A holiday party is a great occasion to try out that new cocktail recipe. If you get to enjoy the day off work, there’s no better time to indulge in one — or a few. However, while alcohol might be a must-have at your family gathering or work party, it’s not worth your life or the lives of those around you. Driving under the influence of even one drink can seriously impair your judgment and turn a crazy, fun-filled night into one of the worst moments of your life.

Drunk driving steals thousands of innocent lives every year — nearly 11,700 people died due to alcohol-related crashes in 2020 alone. Even if you don’t crash, you could still lose your license, car insurance and the trust of those around you.

The answer to this one is simple — whether you plan on getting tipsy or completely wasted, walking home is the way to go.

Afraid of Your Spouse’s Cooking? Check Your Insurance!

The holidays can be a scary time — after all, they encourage people who have never stepped foot in a kitchen to start cooking. If you don’t trust your better half’s skills, you might want to check your homeowners’ insurance with David Pope Insurance Services, LLC in Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, and Kansas. You might even ask for a free insurance quote on one of our life insurance policies. Because, hey, you never know.

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